South Korean woman’’s new jawline sparks controversy

An un-named South Korean woman’’s new facial silhouette has sparked controversy for its extremity.

Believed to be a TV reporter, the ‘after’ photograph of the female shows an extremely reduced jawline with a narrow and pointy heart shape. The before photograph shows what might be perceived as a more ‘normal’ oval/heart-shaped face.

While clearly quite an extreme example, this facial alteration is indicative of the recent trend of South Korean females electing to undergo chin shaving surgery in a bid to achieve more defined face shapes – and in particular a heart-shaped, delicate face.

It also mirrors our recent report about a Gangnam-based plastic surgery clinic in South Korea’’s capital that is being investigated for displaying two glass towers filled with ex-patients’ chins.

It seems to be following a general trend in South Korea of women desiring a more western aesthetic. The most popular plastic surgery in the country is double eyelid reduction – surgery that reduces any lid over the eye, therefore creating a more western looking eye contour.

South Korea enjoys a penchant for various cosmetic surgeries, being the country with the largest number of surgeries performed per capita per year. The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS) reveals that 20% of South Korean women between the ages of 19 and 49 have had at least one cosmetic procedure.

Despite the normalcy of the type of procedure and the relatively widespread trend for slimmed-down chins it didn’’t stop the photograph from drawing criticism online.

Aurora Clinics offer a range of cosmetic surgery procedures and non-surgical treatments for the face and body. For information on any of our treatments, or to book a consultation with one of our expert Surgeons, call us on 01324 578290 or email

Categories:  Chin Reduction  general-news