Cosmetic surgeon puts chin implants’ rising popularity down to “webcam effect”

A US plastic surgeon has recently published an interesting theory on his website. Dr Deutsch, an Atlanta-based plastic and reconstructive surgeon, says that the growing popularity of chin implant surgery is down to more and more people seeing themselves on webcam – and not liking what they see.

The explosion of social media platforms like Skype and FaceTime has led to webcam use becoming ever more widespread. The promise of being able to speak to other people across the world ‘face to face’ in an easy and affordable way has revolutionised the way we communicate.

But here’s the catch. Webcams are not the most flattering of cameras. They allow you to see yourself up close, ‘warts and all’ – on your computer screen. And for some people, this can be something of a revelation, shining a spotlight on aspects of their face that had hitherto gone unnoticed.

And it’s the chin and jawline area in particular that has people seeking out the cosmetic surgeon, according to Dr Deutsch.

If someone has a receding chin, a weak jawline, or the dreaded double chin, a webcam will tend to make it look worse. Which has given rise to an increase in dissatisfied people seeking out chin implants and under-jaw liposuction to improve their looks.

But as with most things in life, there is, of course, an alternative. Step away from the webcam…

Aurora Clinics are an expert group of cosmetic surgeons offering a wide range of procedures for both the face and body. If you would like any information on any of our procedures, call our friendly team on 01324 578290 or send an email to

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