Keogh review posts interim report on Cosmetic Surgery industry

Following the PIP implant scandal last year, the then Health Secretary launched the Keogh review in August 2012, which promised to look in to standards and regulations for the cosmetic surgery industry.

Named after its lead, NHS Medical Director Sir Bruce Keogh, the interim report for the review was released on 31 December and includes recommendations on how to promote and advertise cosmetic procedures.

Committee member and science writer, Vivienne Parry, rebukes the practice of treating such procedures as saleable commodities: “

“Aggressive marketing techniques are often used to maximise profit. This may be the right approach for selling double glazing, but not for people having or considering whether to have surgery. “Everyone who decides to have cosmetic surgery should have time to think about the risks. Time-limited deals and offers on voucher websites pressure people to make snap decisions.””

Other members include PIP campaigner Catherine Kydd, Marie Claire editor Trish Halpin, BAAPS representatives and former Medical Director of BUPA, Andrew Vallance-Owen.

BAAPS President Rajiv Grover is pleased about the results although saddened that it took the PIP scandal to incite the review, and BAAPS themselves have called for tighter regulations. He claims: “”it’’s time to scrub up and take action to restore faith in our sector.”

The full report will be released in March of this year, when the Department of Health will review it. It is not obliged to take on the recommendations of the committee though and can produce its own set of regulations.

Aurora Clinics are an expert group of surgeons offering a wide range of cosmetic surgery procedures for the face and body. For information on any of the surgeries we offer, contact us on 01324 578290 or email

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