Would you recommend Bio-Oil for scarring?
Scarring Question:
I just wanted to ask a question about Bio-Oil. I have some scarring on my hand from two finger operations about six months ago. Is it best to just use any moisture cream to massage the scar tissue or does Bio-Oil actually really work to change the colour and flatten the scars? Thanks for any advice.
Scarring Answer:
Thank you very much for your enquiry. We find that Bio-Oil is good at giving moisture and also does work to reduce the colour of fat in the scars. The other possibility we do recommend is Arbonne Creams which you can order from Aurora Clinics if you felt these were appropriate.
The most important thing is to keep massaging the area, keep it moist and the scar will mature naturally in time.
Good luck with your hand and I hope it continues to heal well.
Best Wishes,
The Aurora Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Team