Category: Surgical Procedure Information Video Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)

Gynecomastia is the technical name for a condition most of the general public refer to as “man boobs or moobs”. It is a condition that can run in families, and it is an embarrassing condition which causes the male breast tissue to be more prominent. Gynecomastia can also be attributed to other things such as […]

Nipple Reduction Surgery & Breast Abnormalities in Men

Mr. Adrian Richards, Cosmetic Surgeon & Surgical Director of Aurora clinics talks about Male Breast Abnormalities, Gynecomastia, Aureola abnormalities, nipple abnormalities, Nipple Reduction, surgery techniques, and what each procedure involves. For more information or to book a free consultation call us on 01844 214362.

Male Breast Reduction

Male Breast Reduction. Mr Richards, Leading Plastic Surgeon of Aurora Clinics talks about the treatment options for Male Breast Reduction also known as gynaecomastia. These include advice on exercise and a discussion of the types of surgery available. Mr Richards discusses the different types of surgery for male breast reduction including: liposuction, websters procedure, peri-aroelar skin excision […]

Male Breast Reduction – How can Male Breasts be treated

Mr Richards, Leading Plastic Surgeon at Aurora Clinics describes the treatment options available if you have Male Breasts medically known as gynaecomastia. These include advice on exercise and fitness as well as the possible surgery options available. These include liposuction and techniques such as Webster’s procedure. He explains why a different scars are used in each case […]

Male Breast Reduction – The Recovery

Male Breast Reduction – Mr Adrian Richards, Leading Plastic Surgeon of Aurora Clinics discusses the likely recovery period following surgery for Male Breast Reduction. In particular he discusses ways of minimising swelling and bruising and speeding recovery. He also describes ways of ensuring any scarring is as good as possible. For more information, call us on […]

Male Breast Reduction -Why it occurs

Mr Adrian Richards, Leading Plastic Surgeon at Aurora Clinics explains how men develop breasts, known in medical terms as Gynaecomastia. Male Breast Reduction can be performed by trained specialist plastic surgeons. For more information call us on 01844 214362.