Alison talks about her Tummy Tuck Procedure

Considering Tummy Tuck? Read Alison’s account of her surgery below.

I had the operation after losing four and a half stone in weight but also, I had twins some 14 years before and I had very loose hanging skin. So having lost weight, decided to get rid of that excess skin because obviously it was quite ugly, with seriously bad stretch marks.

I went for the consultation at my local private hospital, Aurora Clinics in Milton Keynes, and I found that very simple and straightforward. I met Aurora Clinics Founder and we went over everything, talked about it, got a date booked in the diary so it was very straightforward and no complications there.

After the operation, my recovery was reasonably smooth. I wasn’’t in too much pain and the pain relief I had took away any really unpleasant discomfort. Obviously things were sore but I was still able to travel home in the car after the surgery.

Over the nest few weeks, I got more and more mobile and probably by about four weeks, I was really kind of back, more or less, to normal. At six weeks I was back to work, still a bit sore and a bit tired but fine on the whole.

With regard to having the operation, I wouldn’’t change anything, it was a fantastic thing that I’’ve had done. All my clothes look brilliant on me now, there’’s no overhanging skin underneath the clothes, etc and I just wouldn’’t change it for the world, it’’s the best thing I ever did.

For more information on Tummy Tuck, give us a call on 01324 578290 or email

Categories:  tummy-tuck