Category: male-breast-reduction

Aurora Clinics: Gynecomastia Surgery can help treat 'man boobs'

Tackling ‘man boobs’ – do you need Gynecomastia surgery, or will exercise do it?

Aurora is now part of The Private Clinic, a nationwide group of clinics with over 35 years of experience specialising in Cosmetic Surgery and Skin and a Trust Pilot 5 star rating. For comprehensive information, before and after photos and costs on Male Chest Reduction procedures click here We have clinics located in Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, Glasgow, London Harley Street, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton. At our clinics, we see certain […]

Aurora Clinics: Gynecomastia Surgery Before and After

Could your ‘man boobs’ be Gynecomastia? Causes, symptoms and treatments of a misunderstood condition

Aurora is now part of The Private Clinic, a nationwide group of clinics with over 35 years of experience specialising in Cosmetic Surgery and Skin and a Trust Pilot 5 star rating. For comprehensive information, before and after photos and costs on Male Chest Reduction procedures click here Our clinics are located in Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, Glasgow, London Harley Street, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton. You’ve probably heard of the dreaded […]

Aurora Clinics: Nipple reduction surgery - a popular male cosmetic procedure

Smaller, rounder, flatter – the 2 types of Nipple Reduction and who they’re for

Aurora is now part of The Private Clinic, a nationwide group of clinics with over 35 years of experience specialising in Cosmetic Surgery and Skin and a Trust Pilot 5 star rating. For comprehensive information, before and after photos and costs on Nipple Reduction procedures click here or for Male Chest Reduction procedures click here Nipple Reduction may not get its fair share of […]

Male Breast Reduction surgery on the rise

It has just been reported that boys as young as 10 are now seeking surgery to remove their excess breast tissue. In the last 3 years, the NHS has performed 17 such operations on school age boys, with many more having had the surgery privately. And it’s not only young boys having the surgery – […]

Men get abnormalities of the nipple and areola too!

Aurora is now part of The Private Clinic, a nationwide group of clinics with over 35 years of experience specialising in Cosmetic Surgery and Skin and a Trust Pilot 5 star rating. For comprehensive information on Areola and Nipple procedures click here The Private Clinic has clinics located in Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, Glasgow, London Harley Street, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton. What abnormalities of the nipple and areola […]

Introducing Aurora Clinics’ Team of Expert Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeons

Meet Some of our Aurora Clinics’ Expert Surgeons If you have been researching Aurora Clinics UK for your cosmetic surgery procedure, chances are that you found lots of videos and articles by Aurora Clinics Founder. Aurora Clinics Founder (Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon) Mr. Richards is Aurora’s Clinical Director and a fantastic surgeon – he was […]

Is your man a bit of a Pudding this Christmas?

Did you know that almost a quarter of all men are Christmas Puddings? Funny as that may sound, recent research by clothes retailer High and Mighty showed that nearly quarter of all men are carrying excess weight. These men have been branded ‘Christmas Puddings’ in High and Mighty’s very festive guide to Male Body Shapes. Just […]

Breast Cancer Month Blog: Breast Cancer concerns? What Cosmetic Surgery can do for you.

As October draws to a close, Aurora Clinics cannot forget to mention that this month has been devoted to Breast Cancer Awareness. For a cosmetic surgery centre with many expert surgeons specialising in breast surgery procedures, this is a topic very close to our hearts. In the field of cosmetic surgery, breast cancer has an impact […]

Gynecomastia (Male Breasts): Don’t ignore the warning signs…

Adult male breasts can be embarrassing. But they can also be your body’’s warning sign that you need to listen to underlying problems…. Alongside heart disease, cancer, dementia and diabetes, digestive disease has been listed as one of the 5 main killers of UK adults today. With a whopping 7,503 wiped out each year by […]

Explaining the latest Cosmetic Surgery trends: new 2010 BAAPS statistics

Some clear trends in Cosmetic Surgery were apparent when The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) released the UK’’s 2010 statistics this week. Despite the recession, there are more cosmetic surgery procedures being carried out in the UK than ever: a 5% increase on the previous year. But whilst some procedures are clearly on […]

Cosmetic Surgery for men

Do you think nip/tuck is only for women? Think again because there are many options available for men and becoming increasingly popular in the UK. Here are some statistics to start with: The top cosmetic surgery procedures for men in 2007 include liposuction, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, male breast reduction, and facelift. The top non-surgical procedures for […]

Fight Fat & Fight Cancer! 2011 Cosmetic Surgery Trend

2011 is the year of the war on obesity. So the big buzz in Cosmetic Surgery is Fat Removal procedures: “We’re talking freezing fat, zapping fat, melting fat away, as well as vacuuming fat from places where it is plentiful (thighs, tummy and love handles)”,” says Denise Mann (ed. Ceatus Cosmetic Surgery Group). This comes […]

What is the most effective treatment for Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)

Gynecomastia or excess tissue in the male breast area is extremely common, and does not necessarily depend on your overall body weight. Some people with normal weight can deposit tissue in their chest area, whereas other people of much higher weight do not deposit tissue in this area. The options between treatments lie between Liposuction […]