
Severe Single PIP Implant Rupture

Our patient in this video had 310cc PIP implants inserted in 2003. She has come in today for removal and replacement of her implants, as there is an indication that one of them is ruptured. Aurora Clinics Founder, the surgical director of Aurora Clinics, begins the procedure by measuring the scar before opening up the […]


PIP Replacement Surgery – Both Ruptured

We begin the operation with Aurora Clinics Founder, the surgical director of Aurora Clinics, opening up the breast and  finding the customary creamy fluid we only see from ruptured PIP implants. He squeezes it out into a container before removing the implant. The implant, after removal is shown to the camera and we see the […]


Breast Capsulectomy and Implant Replacement

Our patient in this video had a breast augmentation 30 years ago. Aurora Clinics Founder feels the breasts and states they feel firm, and that have formed capsules around the implants. The old scars were more down the side of the breast, not as underneath as todays common practice. The first implant is removed as […]


Kanye West “forbids” post-baby Tummy Tuck for pregnant girlfriend Kim Kardashian

Hollywood and music’’s latest power couple are expecting their first child in July this year, but Kim Kardashian is supposedly worrying over the significant weight gain the pregnancy is already causing. Friends of the reality TV star and LA socialite claim that she had planned to undergo a tummy tuck following the birth, but boyfriend […]


Single PIP Rupture and Mastopexy procedure

This patient had 495cc PIP implants inserted back in 2003. She is quite broad chested and wants to increase the size of her implants, because they currently slip to the side when lying flat. Our patient also has a low nipple position so she has decided to have an uplift, or a mastopexy procedure combined […]


Very Severe Double PIP Rupture

Our patient here had her PIP implants inserted back in 2001, and suspects both are ruptured, however she is not certain of this. She has come to Aurora for implant removal and replacement because she is aware of the dangers of PIPs. The surgical director of Aurora Clinics, Aurora Clinics Founder introduces the video with […]


Bilateral Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery at Aurora Clinics

Our patient in this video had a bilateral inverted nipple correction procedure here at Aurora Clinics performed by our surgical director, Aurora Clinics Founder. We can hear the patient talking as the surgery is being performed as she is only under local anaesthetic for the whole operation. The patient discusses how she found out about […]


Double PIP Implant Rupture – Removed and Replaced through the Areola

Our patient in this video has PIP implants. She has come to Aurora for them to be replaced, by our surgical director of Aurora Clinics, Aurora Clinics Founder. The patient had her previous implants inserted through a semi circle shaped incision around the base of the areola, and has requested the same scar and incision […]


Can a nose job combined with chin augmentation produce the best result for the patient?

Italian researchers at the University of Verona have conducted research in to rhinoplasty and genioplasty (nose job and chin augmentation respectively) and whether or not it is beneficial to perform both at the same time, rather than just one or conversely both operations but at separate intervals. They attribute this to achieving more “aesthetic proportions” […]


Double PIP Rupture – Both shells split into three pieces

This is a surgical video of removal and replacement of two ruptured PIP implants. Our expert surgeon, Aurora Clinics Founder takes us through this operation as he does it, showing the key moments of the surgery and the implants as he removes them. Aurora Clinics Founder introduces the video as he is removing the old […]
